It is a fake news: Reform to expropriate private property in Mexico

In the face of rumors in the run-up to the elections, President Andrés López Obrador denied a reform to expropriate private property in Mexico.
On the morning of Wednesday, May 22, the Mexican Government regretted that citizens have in mind that President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will present a reform to expropriate private property in Mexico.
Rumors had it that it would be a reform to expropriate private property, as was presumed, especially during the event of last Sunday, May 19, called the Pink Tide march.
In addition, the Mexican government clarified that the founder of Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena) does not intend to reform Article 138 of the Mexican Constitution since it only has 136 articles in force.
Undoubtedly, it is a fake news in the middle of a political campaign that has had attacks from both sides.
During the section “Who’s who in the news of the week” Elizabeth García Vilchis emphasized that this information, which has gone viral especially through chains spread in social networks such as Facebook, Telegram or WhatsApp, and which aims to misinform the population.
It was even mentioned that it has been denied a total of eight times, but in spite of this, it is still believed that those who own a real estate property, which is put for rent, with such reform the owners are forced to assign it through a new document to those who act as tenants and thus become the new owners.

It is a fake news: Reform to expropriate private property in Mexico
According to this “fake news”, the government is preparing a reform to expropriate private property in Mexico.
“The government wants to expropriate private property. When resources and imagination are exhausted in the dirty war, they resort to the old attacks, even though they have already been denied,” García Vilchis remarked.
After insisting once again that a reform to expropriate private property in Mexico is false, the head of the aforementioned section assured that conservative groups are the ones behind this disinformation campaign.
She assures that it has been replicated by some media outlets that affirm that Morena wants to be the owner of everything and with this, such information reaches the citizenship that really ends up believing that the real estate will be taken away after a period of time by the federal authorities after endorsing the reform to the article that, once again, does not exist.
García Vilchis projected from the space known as La Mañanera the interviews conducted by independent journalist Máximo Allende, who questioned those attending the Pink Tide march as to why they were congregating in the Zócalo Square.
Several citizens assured that they were doing so because the Federal Government intended to take away such properties, a situation they considered unjust.

“Unfortunately, there are people who do believe it”, it was recalled.
The spread of the fake news has been so popular that the government itself has come out to deny the alleged reform to expropriate private property in Mexico.
Government regrets the reasons why some citizens marched on Sunday, May 19 in the Zócalo.
In order to end the topic, Elizabeth García Vilchis regretted that, during these electoral times, they seek to instill fear among the population through information of this type, for which she emphasized that the article that Morena said it wants to reform is not even present in the Magna Carta.