Dead Immigrants in ICE Care: 10 deaths to date

In the United States, the number of dead Immigrants in ICE Care has already doubled from 2023, as of the latest ICE report.
Ten is the number of immigrants dead Immigrants in ICE Care, service Immigration and Customs Enforcement so far this fiscal year.
This is more than double the number for all of last year and triple the number recorded in 2022, according to the federal agency’s own data.
In the first eight months of the current fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30, there have been more deaths than in the 12 months of five of the previous six years.
The only fiscal year to exceed the current count was 2020, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
That year the number of dead Immigrants in ICE Care reached 21, four died in 2023, three in 2022, five in 2021, eight in 2019 and six in 2018.
An ICE spokesperson told NBC News that it “takes the safety of those in its custody very seriously and remains committed to ensuring that everyone is in safe, secure and humane environments.”
In that regard, despite an increase in the number of immigrants who died in ICE care, authorities insist that comprehensive medical care is provided from the moment people arrive and throughout their stay.
Dead Immigrants in ICE Care: Have They Met Protocols?
The agency also said the ICE Health Services Corps “executed an operating budget of nearly $324 million across the spectrum of health care services provided to individuals in ICE custody in FY 2022.”
Two of the deaths in the current fiscal year occurred on consecutive days last week, according to ICE.
Hugo Boror Urla, a 39-year-old Guatemalan immigrant in ICE custody, died May 22 at a Michigan hospital, according to an agency statement last week.
He had been in the agency’s custody, detained at the Calhoun County Jail in Battle Creek, Michigan, for about a month before he died.
Boror Urla had been found by Border Patrol on April 17 near Taylor, Michigan, and had an express deportation order placed on him, ICE added.
Also pending is the official cause of death of Cambric Dennis, a 44-year-old Liberian man who died in ICE custody in Georgia on May 21, according to the agency.
Dennis, who had entered the United States legally in 1997, was booked into ICE’s Stewart Detention Center in Columbus in late October 2023 while awaiting removal proceedings after being convicted of an aggravated felony related to trafficking in controlled substances, the agency said.
The two men are among six who have died in ICE custody since January, according to the agency.