
The New Axis of Evil: Help to Confront It

In the midst of high tensions in the world; the war in Ukraine and Russia, as well as the Israel-Hamas conflict, a U.S. congressman designated the new axis of evil.

The U.S. is concerned about the world situation, both politically and economically, which is why it recently approved an aid package for Ukraine.

In the midst of the claims, Congressman Mike Johnson called the new axis of evil, composed of Russia, China and Iran.

From the point of view of U.S. interests, these three nations play a fundamental role in their regions.

The three nations of the new axis of evil cross the interests of the United States.

U.S. Republican Congressman Mike Johnson’s statement on Capitol Hill during discussions on bills to provide military aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan have provoked mixed reactions both within and outside his party.

That is why, in order to curb the escalation of the new axis of evil, Congress approved this new economic aid package.

The resources will be destined, to a large extent, for arms projects.

Johnson, who is also Speaker of the House of Representatives, expressed his firm belief in the coordination between the leaders of these three countries, specifically mentioning Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and Iran as the main actors of the new axis of evil.


The New Axis of Evil: Help to Confront It

The congressman argued that he would rather send military aid to Ukraine than involve young Americans in international conflicts.

This personal statement takes on an even more relevant tone considering that his son is preparing to enter the Naval Academy in the fall.

The new axis of evil is becoming increasingly resistant to U.S. international policy, especially Russia, the declared enemy of the American nation.

However, Johnson’s words have not been received unanimously within his own party.

Hard-line Republicans have accused him of betraying the country’s priority interests by failing to prominently address the migration crisis on the southern border with Mexico.

In addition to domestic criticism, China has also issued a sharp rebuke against the United States for Johnson’s statements, calling them “wrong.”

To defend against this new axis of evil, the U.S. Congress approved millions in aid.

The U.S. House of Representatives voted Saturday, April 20, in favor of the bill for aid to the Ukrainian government, estimated at $60.8 billion, including $23 billion to replenish U.S. arsenals.

U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson, who introduced the bill, reported that 80% of the funds in the new aid package will go to replenish U.S. weapons and stockpiles.

Earlier this week, U.S. President Joe Biden stated that he “strongly supports this package” and urged the Senate to pass it “swiftly.”

“I will sign this bill immediately to send a message to the world: we stand with our friends and we will not let Iran or Russia succeed,” he said.

In addition, the lower House of Congress voted on two other bills, under which Washington will allocate $26.4 billion to assist Israel and $8.1 billion to counter China in the Indo-Pacific, including billions for Taiwan.

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