Nikki Haley withdraws from the Republican primary

Nikki Haley withdraws from the Republican primary and clears the way for Donald Trump to be the candidate for the presidential election.
After winning only one state on Super Tuesday, the most important day of the primary campaign in the United States, Nikki Haley withdraws from the party’s Republican primary for the presidency.
Thus, Donald Trump is left as the only Republican presidential candidate.
Although Joe Biden has not yet gathered enough delegates to be nominated as the Democratic candidate, in purely mathematical terms, as the current US president, he is practically a front-runner.
In the United States, whoever wants to become the Republican or Democratic presidential candidate must first prevail in the party’s internal primaries.
Candidates are not officially chosen until the party conventions in the summer. The presidential election is scheduled for November 5.

Nikki Haley withdraws from the Republican primary
While she was unable to beat Trump, Haley did register a victory on Super Tuesday.
She won in Vermont, a small northeastern U.S. state on the Canadian border.
Due to its population of less than 700,000, Vermont has only 17 Republican delegates to apportion.
By comparison, California has 169 Republican delegates.
Haley did well “with independent and moderate voters during her candidacy,” J. Miles Coleman, an election analyst at the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, told DW.
For Democrats, the outcome of the primary election in American Samoa, a U.S. territory in the South Pacific, came as a shock.
Of the 91 votes cast, 40 went to Biden and 51 to Jason Palmer, an unknown Maryland businessman.
The archipelago is thus the only area where Biden did not win on Super Tuesday. He and Palmer will each receive three of the six delegates American Samoa has to award.
Politically, the near tie in the South Pacific may not hurt the U.S. president. It did, however, make pundits smile. “
Former U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley announced her withdrawal from the campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, but does not plan to endorse Trump.

Now Trump is left alone
“I end my campaign with the same words I began it with in the Book of Joshua. I address them to all Americans, but especially to many of the women and girls who put their faith in our campaign. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. For God will be with you wherever you go. In this campaign I have seen the greatness of our country. From the bottom of my heart; thank you America. God bless you,” Haley said in her announcement on Wednesday, March 6.
Nikki Haley will suspend her presidential campaign Wednesday after being defeated nationwide on Super Tuesday, according to people familiar with her decision, leaving Donald Trump as the last remaining major candidate for the 2024 Republican nomination.
His exit authorizes Trump to focus solely on his likely November rematch with Biden.
The former president is on track to reach the 1,215 delegates needed to clinch the Republican nomination later this month.
Haley’s defeat deals a painful, if predictable, blow to those voters, donors and GOP officials who opposed Trump and his fierce style of politics.
Trump declared Tuesday night that the Republican Party was united behind him.
In a statement shortly thereafter, Haley spokeswoman Olivia Perez-Cubas said, “Unity is not achieved by simply stating, ‘We are united.'”.