Is 100k a good salary in Chicago?

If you intend to live and work in Chicago it is necessary that you take into account how much you should earn to live well, that is why we will tell you if Is 100k a good salary in Chicago?
Chicago is the best known and most important city in the state of Illinois and is considered by many as the best option to start a new life. This is mainly due to the fact that the city of the wind is a quite developed metropolitan area with a valuable labor market, however, Chicago is the most expensive city in Illinois and even more expensive than many other areas of the United States, that is why we will detail Is 100k a good salary in Chicago?
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Find out if Is 100k a good salary in Chicago?
Many are those who dream of settling in Chicago but Is 100k a good salary in Chicago? To answer this question it is necessary to analyze the cost of living in the windy city, the income and the lifestyle that can be achieved with this income.
We will detail below these aspects to determine if Is 100k a good salary in Chicago?
Cost of Living
The windy city has a diversity of neighborhoods from different social backgrounds, attractions that represent its culture, and a fairly lively urban life. But one of its negative aspects is that as is common among metropolitan cities, the cost of living is quite high compared to other cities in Illinois.
Before this, it is important to mention that the cost of living in Chicago varies according to the area where you live, the means of transportation with which you move, groceries, entertainment and public services, here we will give you an approximate estimate:
If you rent an apartment with three rooms you will have to pay approximately 1,630 dollars per month, while if you rent a room in a shared apartment you could spend around 600 dollars per month.
In addition to this, you will have to pay for basic utilities such as water, electricity and gas, which cost approximately $130 to $180.
In Chicago you normally spend around 320 dollars per month for food, this is due to the high prices of supermarket products. It is important to highlight that the high cost of living in Chicago is mainly due to the fact that taxes in the city are quite high.
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Chicago has a good transportation system and it is also somewhat high. It is usual to spend around 240 dollars in car maintenance, insurance, gasoline, use of public transportation.
If you want a plan that includes messages, unlimited calls and more than 15 GB to surf the Internet, you will spend from 15 to 30 dollars. Likewise, those who want to have internet at home will have to spend $55 to $65.
Know what is the average income in Chicago
Before settling in the windy city, what you should do is research the average income of the inhabitants of Chicago in order to be able to analyze if it is convenient for you to live and work in the city.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average household income in Chicago is around $65,000. Therefore, this means that with a salary of 100,000 you would earn considerably more than the average household income in the city. In conclusion, the answer to Is 100k a good salary in Chicago? Is yes, you can live very well in Chicago with that salary.
Now that you know if Is 100k a good salary in Chicago? Tell us are you willing to start a new life in the city of Chicago?
If you want to know everything about the windy city, this article will interest you:What are the downsides of Chicago?