Hidden message in the resignation of Miss USA

In the United States, followers in social networks claim that there is a hidden message in the resignation of Miss USA.

Noelia Voigt, who was crowned Miss USA last September, announced this Monday, May 6, in her social networks, that she would leave her title to focus on her mental health.

But for many, the publication has a hidden message, which actually, coincides with a wake-up call.

Voigt, 24, said her “journey” as Miss USA “has been incredibly meaningful,” adding that she feels “eternally grateful” for the friendships and connections she made through the pageant circuit.

“Unfortunately, I have made the very hard decision to relinquish the title of Miss USA 2023,” she concluded.

Voigt’s decision caused shock among her supporters, who are intent on finding more reasons for the beauty queen’s resignation.

But for many, there is a hidden message in Miss USA’s resignation.

Hidden message in the resignation of Miss USA

Several users pointed out that the initials of the first 11 sentences of the message form the message: “I AM SILENT”.

However, Voigt has yet to comment on this speculation and it is unclear if this is a strange coincidence. 


The Miss USA Organization stated in a statement to NBC that it respects and supports Voigt’s decision and accepts her resignation.

When she took the crown in November, Voigt, who is Venezuelan-American and from Utah, said she would work to connect with diverse communities across the United States.

“Deep down, I know this is just the beginning of a new chapter for me, and my hope is to continue to inspire others to stand strong, prioritize their mental health, stand up for themselves and others using their voice, and never be afraid of what the future holds, even if it feels uncertain,” she posted on Instagram.

She specified that you should never compromise your physical and mental well-being, “Our health is our wealth.”

A spokesperson for the Miss USA Organization told CNN in a statement Monday that they supported Voigt’s decision to step down from her duties.

The organization added that they are reviewing plans to “transition responsibilities to a successor” and will soon announce the new Miss USA.

Several resignations in the organization

But another similar decision was made by Miss Teen USA, another girl of migrant origin.

In addition, the resignations of the Misses are joined by the decision of the organization’s social media director, Claudia Michelle, last week.

Michelle has been more candid about the alleged problems in the organization.

In an Instagram post, she wrote that she rejects “workplace toxicity and harassment of any kind.”

The whole situation, makes understand, in a mysterious way, a hidden message in Miss USA’s resignation.

Some of Voigt’s fellow Miss USA contestants shared a post stating that “the majority” of the 2023 class supported her decision to leave.

But, in addition, they called on the Miss USA Organization to release Voigt from her NDA clause “so she can speak out about her experiences. “

Model Noelia Voigt, who was born in Utah and has Venezuelan roots, announced that she is stepping down as Miss USA 2023.

Miss Teen USA also resigns

Meanwhile, Miss Teen USA joins Miss USA as girls who have decided to relinquish their crowns in less than a year.

This Wednesday, May 9, Miss Teen USA resigned, and it has generated controversy in the pageant community just days after Miss USA said she would relinquish her crown.

In an Instagram post Wednesday, Miss Teen USA, UmaSofia Srivastava said her “personal values no longer fully align with the direction of the organization.”

According to Miss Teen USA, she spent months mulling the decision to relinquish the title she won in 2023.

Srivastava, a high school student from New Jersey, won the pageant in September and expressed her pride at being the first Mexican-Indian American to hold the role.

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