
Opposition Criticizes the budget cuts to the proposals Electoral Court and Other Institutions

In Mexico, the opposition criticized the budget cuts to the proposals of various institutions, including the Judicial Power, INE (National Electoral Institute), INAI (Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection), and the Electoral Court.

Representatives from autonomous agencies and federal legislators from the opposition parties criticized Morena’s decision in the Chamber of Deputies.

The deputies approved reductions in the proposed budgets for 2024 for institutions such as the Judicial Power, INE, the Electoral Court, INAI, among others.

In this regard, opposition sectors warned that, in addition to once again showing their “disregard” for institutions that ensure the separation of powers, democracy, and transparency, these budget adjustments put their “institutional and operational capacity” at risk.

The opposition criticized the budget cuts to the proposals of the Electoral Court, Judicial Power, INE, INAI, among other institutions, and the institutions did not delay their response.

Criticizes the budget cuts to the proposals Electoral Court

The President of the Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF), Reyes Rodríguez Mondragón, warned that the proposed 767 million pesos budget cut could have severe consequences.

During the inauguration of the Meeting of Institutes and Electoral Courts of the Second Circumscription, the magistrate stressed that the proposed cut would affect the institution’s capabilities.

He urged legislators to consider the potential harm that such a proposal could cause. He said, ‘We call on the Chamber of Deputies and members of the Budget Committee to review, reflect, and assess the significance of this proposal, which would undoubtedly harm us.’

Federal legislators from the opposition criticized Morena for ‘punishing’ the budgets of national autonomous bodies.

Members of the PAN, PRI, MC, and PRD parties argued that once again, the party of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador demonstrates its ‘disregard’ for these institutions that serve as a ‘balance of power,’ uphold ‘democracy,’ and ensure ‘transparency.’

The PRD parliamentary leader, Luis Espinosa Cházaro, stated, ‘Once again, Morena is suffocating and undermining the country’s democracy with cuts of 767 million pesos to the Electoral Court, precisely in an election year.’

He emphasized that ‘unfortunately, there is no earmarked budget for Guerrero. It is regrettable that, once again, they are attacking these organizations when they should be making adjustments to the spending on the President’s whimsical projects.’

They reiterated that the opposition criticized the budget cuts to the proposals of the Electoral Court, Judicial Power, INE, INAI, among other institutions, and believe it’s a blow to democracy in Mexico.

‘It’s the final blow to INE, the Judicial Power, and the Electoral Court,‘ summarized the MC coordinator, Jorge Álvarez Máynez.”

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