Demi Lovato’s health problems
Demi Lovato’s health problems continue to be a daily topic followed by fans of the artist, who revealed more details.
Demi Lovato’s road to mental health has not been an easy one, and at times, she felt like victory was a long way off.
During an annual event at NewYork-Presbyterian’s Center for Youth Mental Health, the 31-year-old singer shared how her relationship with herself has evolved.
Demi Lovato’s health problems, are slowly becoming clearer, and she mentioned that, in her personal experience, she was hospitalized for psychological treatments on more than one occasion.
“I’ve been in inpatient treatment five times, and every time I went into a treatment center, I felt defeated,” Lovato confessed in a conversation with Dr. Charlie Shaffer.
However, these spaces also became the starting point for her to wake up and act on herself, so Demi Lovato’s health issues were always true, and today, she faces them with gallantry.
“I know that experience firsthand, but I think the spark of hope was generated when I started to do my part and the necessary work, whether it was through programs, talking to my treatment team or building relationships there,” said the artist, according to People.
Demi Lovato’s health problems
Before her fifth treatment, Lovato felt she had hit rock bottom, but she also understood that she needed to “live a life in recovery.”
But, in addition, Demi Lovato’s health problems were related to finding the right medication to help her.
“When all the key pieces started to fit together like a perfect puzzle, I started to find the light again.”
Through this journey through different treatments, Demi learned to accept that her mental health does not define her as a person.
“It’s just a part of what makes me me me. My struggles have shaped me, but they have not become my identity,” she said, adding that she is ‘grateful’ for what she has been through and has managed to overcome.
Demi Lovato has spoken before about her battle with addiction in combination with the mental health issues she was dealing with.
In 2011, she revealed that she was unaware that she had bipolar disorder until she checked into rehab the year before.
The after-effects of her overdose (hearing and vision problems) are also a constant reminder to Lovato to stay away from drugs.