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The longest road in the world

The longest road in the world is not in Russia or China, it is made up of a road axis in Latin America.

The longest road in the world is in the American continent, with a system of interconnected highways.

To know the longest road in the world, we have to go back to the 1920s, with the Pan-American Highway.

The world’s longest highway stretches from the northernmost tip of the United States to the southernmost point of Argentina, in Ushuaia.

In this sense, the world’s longest highway runs through a total of 14 countries: five in South America, six in Central America and three in North America.

Due to the variety of its established stretches, including bifurcations and routes in different parts of America, it is estimated that its total length reaches 48,000 kilometers, which makes it the first in the world.

Originally conceived as a project at the Fifth International Conference of American States, held in 1923, according to information from the DW website, the road began its construction at that time with the purpose of “connecting the Americas”.


It was precisely from that moment on that the longest highway in the world began to be built in order to speed up transportation between countries.

By 1925, the first Pan-American Road Conference was held in Buenos Aires and the system to connect the dots gained momentum.

Despite including an uncompleted section in its central region towards Colombia and Panama, the highway is an emblem of cooperation at the continental level, and was named in honor of the union of American nations.

The longest road in the world

The longest highway in the world is distributed as follows in America:

In North America: the starting point is in the United States, albeit in the region at the northern tip of the continent.

The beginning is at Prudhoe Bay, located in the state of Alaska. The extension continues through Canada until returning again to the American country, forming part of cities such as Denver and Dallas. The section in the northern region of America is followed by the cities of Monterrey and Chihuahua.

In Central America, a short but important extension of the Pan-American route system runs through Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and reaches the central region as far as Panama.

South America: Colombia is the first country to receive the connection, being part of important cities such as Medellin and Cali.

Ecuador is the first South American nation where the road extends from one end to the other.

The same is true for Peru, including from Trujillo in the north of the country to Arequipa in the south.

Meanwhile, in Chile there are two stretches: while one extends to its central region, the other goes all the way to the south.

And it is in Argentina that the road reaches Buenos Aires: via the east coast, where Bahía Blanca is located, it crosses all of Patagonia, where the closest point to the south is located, in the place known as “the end of the world”.

The longest highway in the world, also known as the “Pan-American Highway”, ten capitals are part of this continental route system: Buenos Aires, Santiago, Lima, Quito, Panama City, San José, Managua, San Salvador, Guatemala City and Mexico City.

But the Pan-American Highway is not only novel for its extension: it consists of multiple ecosystems, including temperatures and places of fauna and flora such as jungles. In addition, it represents a symbol of cultural diversity, economic development and tourism between countries.

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