
The AT&T workers strike: 17 thousand employees protested

The AT&T workers strike

The AT&T workers strike had some 17,000 members of the Communications Workers of America (CWA) on the streets protesting.

The union, which represents telecommunications workers, took to the streets in Florida and eight other states on the east coast of the United States.

The AT&T workers’ strike arose after they walked off the job, alleging unfair labor practices by AT&T.

The president of the local CWA affiliate, expressed the workers’ frustration about it.

“It is disrespectful to those who work to keep our community connected. The services we provide are essential to those in Miami, Florida, and the other affected states.”

The strike by AT&T workers began this weekend, and they are key positions in the company.

The strike, which officially began last Friday, includes key AT&T employees, primarily customer service representatives and installation and maintenance technicians.

AT&T, for its part, has denied the allegations of unfair labor practices.

In a statement issued Monday, Aug. 19, a company spokesperson said they have “no basis in fact” and stressed that they have been in substantial negotiations since day one, reaching three agreements this year covering more than 13,000 employees.

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The AT&T workers strike

AT&T workers strike

The company also expressed disappointment at the call for the strike in the midst of negotiations, arguing that they “should direct their energies toward constructive discussions at the bargaining table, rather than taking actions that unnecessarily jeopardize the wages and well-being of our employees.”

The strike, which has now been going on for a week, has led AT&T to turn to subcontractors to keep its network up and running.

However, union members have expressed concern that these contractors are not adequately qualified to keep the network operational. ”

The AT&T worker strike, forced the company to respond with a statement that it has implemented several measures to avoid disruptions in operations and minimize customer service delays.

The company continues to work to resolve the conflict and reach an agreement that satisfies both parties, while workers maintain their pressure on the streets, hoping that their demands are finally met.


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