Navigating Taxis in Mexico: A Comprehensive Guide

Taxis in Mexico

The taxis in Mexico are very important because they are one of the most practical and common means of transportation in most of the cities that make up the Aztec territory. Here we will detail everything you need to know about taxis in Mexico.

Both for Mexicans and tourists, taxis in Mexico are a means of transportation of great importance and it is the most practical option if you want to get to certain destinations. Normally tourists use apps because they are more familiar with them, but the reality is that cabs in the city (the pink and white ones) are also quite safe.

It is important to mention that the cabs that do not yet have the pink and white color scheme are not up to date, so it is not advisable to ride in one because they are unregulated taxis in Mexico.

Taxis in Mexico are so important that in areas such as Mexico City there are approximately 140,000 cabs, so this city has one of the largest cab fleets in the world.

On the other hand, it should also be noted that cabs in Mexico have much lower fares than in most developed countries, so if you are a tourist you will save more than you thought when moving around the city in taxis in Mexico.

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History of taxis in Mexico

The taxis in Mexico are approximately 100 years old, so they have gone through several colors and models until reaching the one we know today.

In the year 1916 was when this important activity began, when the streetcar drivers went on strike at that time there were not many means of transportation, so the streetcar drivers who wanted to continue working decided to offer their service to the population. It is precisely for that reason that they decided to modify Ford Model T cars by removing the seats to start with a transportation service they named Fotingos, a collective transportation quite expensive for the common citizen.

However, it was not until the 50’s that the true classics appeared, the so-called Crocodiles, green in color and similar to the mouth of the rectil (crocodile), taxis in Mexico that were based on the Ford Fairlane or Chevrolet Impala, spacious and comfortable models.

Later came the Cotorras, smaller cars like the Dodge Plymouth that were painted in yellow and green. By the 70’s there were more than 15 thousand cabs in the capital city, and at that time, the government decided to intervene and regulate taxis in Mexico, and the Coral arrived, which had a higher rate.

In the 80’s came the Canarios, the vochos, which became the classic of Mexico City. The vochos were yellow and by the 90’s they became green and some are still circulating on the streets, however in 2008 the government implemented the rule that cars for private transportation service must have a minimum of 4 doors and trunk.

Taxis in Mexico

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It is thanks to this rule that Tsuru arises, which is characterized by its colors, for example, the gold with wine is called by citizens Ironman.

Since 2014 a pink and white color scheme was implemented, which is called Hello Kitty, which is a symbol of commitment to the struggle for gender equality and women’s rights. Currently there are also hybrid and electric taxis in Mexico.

There are currently 60,000 cabs in Mexico City alone, making it one of the cities with the most cabs in the world. In addition, there are now other taxis in Mexico with companies such as Uber, Cabify, Beat and Didi, which are requested by application and offer 24-hour service.

Types of taxis in Mexico

In the world of taxis in Mexico there are different options that adapt to the needs and preferences of the passengers. Here we will tell you about the types of cabs in Mexico:

Standard cabs

These taxis in Mexico are traditional, and are found in all Mexican cities. Their size is standard and they offer a type of public transportation, this type of cabs can be found on the street or at designated cab stands.

This type of taxis in Mexico has been operating in Mexican cities for decades, this type of cabs have a characteristic color, they have established fares, you can make payments in cash or by card and are available in established places.

It is important to mention that in this type of cabs there is no information of the driver’s identity or his qualification so they are usually more insecure than other options such as car rental services.


This type of cab is safer than the standard taxi because the unit is able to transmit or receive messages to or from the Central Station to which they belong, making them a safe option for both the driver and the passenger.

They vary in price depending on the place you are going to and the time of the day, trips at night tend to be a little more expensive.

For example, it is important to make sure that the cab has a sign that says “radio cab” and always look for taxis in Mexico that are parked in a well-lit area.

Asking for the fare before getting into the cab is also a must if you don’t want to have a bad time and if you have luggage it is good to ask how much is the weight limit you can carry, normally the limit for radio cabs is 120kg.

Car rental services

This type of service has revolutionized the world of public transportation for some years and is that it is hired through a mobile app, the cost is dynamic , and is calculated in advance. The payment of this type of service is carried out by the App and the trip is followed in real time by GPS, in addition, both users and drivers receive ratings.

Taxis in Mexico

This type of service represents a breakthrough compared to traditional cabs, and it is supposed to be a safer option because you know who will take you to your destination, plus you can inform your relatives the driver’s data as a method of prevention.

Here are some of the benefits of car rental services:

  • You can request them faster, it is a matter of opening the app and entering where you are going. 
  • The payment is automatic so you don’t need cash.
  • You know what the fare is before requesting the service.
  • GPS gives you security 
  • The ratings encourage you to offer an excellent service. 
  • Within the app there are options to provide greater safety for both female drivers and passengers. 

The mobile cab apps in Mexico are Uber, Didi, Lyft and they are quite practical and safe options.

Safety tips for using taxis in Mexico

When boarding a cab it is always important to take into account certain safety measures, since you are riding in a stranger’s car. In addition, the insecurity in the streets of some areas of Mexico is also a good reason to be alert. Here are some safety tips for using taxis in Mexico :

  • If you get into a standard cab it must have the updated colors, i.e. white and pink, also if possible it is good to enter the license plates to verify if the cab is not a pirate. 
  • It is also good to identify if the driver is the one registered in the government database. 
  • If you take a cab through an application you should verify its license plate, document number, car model, color and if the driver is the same one that appears in the application. 
  • It is always good to share the ride with someone you trust. 
  • Use the panic button that has a connection with the police if the driver makes any criminal action against you. 
  • If there is any complaint you should communicate to the authorities, in case it is a cab by app rate it negatively, thus exposing the situation. 
  • It is also necessary to be aware of the fares because sometimes cab drivers can rip you off. 
  • Always have the address in hand, now with Google Maps you can get a lot of support and if you do not know where the driver is taking you, ask without fear and if he does not know how to answer you, look for a way out of there.
  • Talk to the cab driver, it has been shown in some studies that cab drivers who usually make conversation with their customers tend to be less involved in criminal situations.
  • If it is not an app cab you need to ask before raising the fare or if they charge with a taximeter.

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Cost and payment of taxis in Mexico

If you want to move around Mexico it is always important that you take into account the cost and payment of this service, always looking to reduce any bad experience. You have to take into account that the cost of taxis in Mexico varies according to the city, location and even in some occasions timetable.

The average cost of the initial fare when boarding a cab in cities such as the Mexican capital is approximately $9.45, this rate varies among the main cities of the Mexican territory.

It is also important to mention that in Mexico cab drivers are usually paid in cash, by digital payment such as Mercadopago and transfers via CoDi.

Cab use in Mexico’s main cities

If you are wondering how to get around in Mexico, the best way to travel is by cab, that is why we will tell you how cabs are used in the main cities of the Mexican country:

Mexico City

This metropolis is full of life, so it has several public transportation offers, that is precisely why taxis in Mexico are one of the most popular means of transportation, that is why it is important to know the regular rates and safety measures within the area.

During the day, fares in Mexico City are $8.74, plus $1.07 for every 45 seconds or 250 meters traveled. On the other hand, at night the fare is $10.48 and the increase is $1.28 for each additional 45 seconds or 250 meters.


Cancun is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Mexico, so if you are planning to travel to this beautiful paradise, the best way to get around the city is by cab.

In the center of the city, fares usually cost between $40 and $50 Mexican pesos, depending on the distance to be traveled. On the other hand, if you are looking to go to the hotel zone, fares are usually higher, since it is a tourist area, prices vary between $200 and $500 Mexican pesos.


Cabs in Guadalajara are also very popular and are a safe and practical way to get around the city, especially if the trip is short or at night.
We recommend you to take them in authorized places, by safe cab lines or through mobile applications. The cost of the service in Guadalajara varies according to distance and time.

During the day the price is $8.50 pesos, plus a cost per kilometer of $6.45 pesos and during the night the price increases to $9.68 Mexican pesos, with the additional $7.11 pesos for each kilometer traveled.

Now you know all about taxis in Mexico, a means of transportation that will allow you to travel around the country in a practical way.

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