
Nikki Haley will be in Donald Trump’s government: Goodbye to hate

Nikki Haley will be in Donald Trump’s government if he wins the elections; after the candidate declined in favor of the former president of the United States.

The former US president Donald Trump assured that he will count on the former US ambassador to the UN and former governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, if he wins the presidential elections scheduled for November 5.

In this regard, Nikki Haley will be in Donald Trump’s government, but it would already be on a second occasion, we recall that the Republican leader was already a member of the government of the controversial politician.

“I think she (Haley) will be on our team in some form because we share ideas and have the same thoughts,” the likely candidate of the Republican Party told the US press on Thursday.

The decision on Donald Trump’s candidacy should be made official at the Republican National Convention in July, after a massive rally in the Bronx (New York).


Trump’s words about his last internal rival in the race for the presidency come a day after she publicly declared that she will vote for the former president because, “although he is not perfect,” a second term of Democrat Joe Biden “would be a catastrophe,” she said.

For many, the announcement that Nikki Haley will be in Donald Trump’s administration came as a surprise after vehement criticism during the primary process of her former opponent, whom she often called “unhinged.”

Nikki Haley will be in Donald Trump’s government: Goodbye to hate

Apparently the former governor thinks highly of Trump despite previous disqualifications.

“We had a nasty campaign, but she’s a very capable person and I’m sure she’s going to be on our team in some form,” Trump stressed.

In a post on his Truth Social platform on May 11, the former US chief executive wrote that Haley “is not being considered” to be his vice presidential nominee.

Yesterday, Trump sidestepped answering the specific question of whether he was now contemplating her for this post and instead listed the names of other Republican politicians who “are doing a fantastic job.”

So far, the names closest to figure as Trump’s key, stand out Senators Marco Rubio and and J.D. Vance, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik and Dr. Ben Carson; unless there is a surprise.

The Republican National Convention is scheduled for July 15-18 in Milwaukee and it will be there where “at some point” he will unveil the name of the person who would occupy the vice presidency in a hypothetical return of the conservative politician to the White House.

Trump’s rally Thursday at the Brox was his first major election rally and came after more than a month attending a New York courtroom, where he faces criminal charges of falsifying documents to buy the silence of porn actress Stormy Daniels to protect his 2016 election campaign.

Donald Trump is on a softer stage, and is looking to close in circuits where the gap is wide.

Trump’s performance in the Bronx in 2020 mirrored his results in other areas where Hispanic voters make up a substantial part of the electorate.

Residents in the South Bronx are primarily Hispanic (64%) and black (31%), according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Polls this year show Trump could do even better among Hispanic and black voters than he did four years ago.

Polls since early April show Biden’s margin among these voters has dropped by double digits compared with polls from the same point in 2020.

For her part, the official that Haley will be in Donald Trump’s administration if the Republicans were to win, ended up succumbing to the businessman’s wide gap to the GOP internals.

“I put my priorities on a president who will cover the backs of our allies and hold our enemies accountable, who would secure the border and make no more excuses, a president who would support capitalism and freedom, a president who understands that we need less debt, not more debt,” he said during an event at the Hudson Institute in Washington on May 22.

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