INE has ordered Mexican President not to discuss electoral topics during his morning program

The National Electoral Institute, INE, has ordered Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador not to discuss electoral topics during his morning program “La Mañanera.”
The INE has instructed that a curtain-raiser must precede the start of La Mañanera, explaining the purpose of the conference and the prohibition on discussing political and electoral matters.
This decision comes in response to a complaint filed by Xóchitl Gálvez, a presidential aspirant for PAN, PRI, and PRD in the 2024 elections.
In this regard, the Complaints Commission determined that the president’s political interventions have been recurring and could undermine the principle of impartiality in the electoral competition.
As a result, the INE has ordered the Mexican president to take precautions when using an official national platform.
AMLO will now have to publicly convey a message “referring to the purpose of these conferences and the prohibition of making political or electoral statements.”
INE has ordered Mexican President: Reasons
Councilor Arturo Castillo, a member of the commission, explained that the curtain-raiser can be in verbal or written form at the beginning of the conference.
Councilor Claudia Zavala, the commission’s president, criticized the President’s persistence in discussing these topics despite warnings from the electoral authority.
“There is a constant, systematic reiteration of statements by the President of the Republic, sometimes in favor of certain political forces or individuals involved in political processes, or against them, which is prohibited by the Constitution for government officials,” she noted.
In response, it was indicated that a case file will be sent to the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Branch (TEPJF) for the Specialized Regional Chamber to analyze the substance of the President’s violations.
Xóchitl Gálvez’s complaint was related to mentions made by the President during the conferences on September 6 and 7 regarding the transfer of leadership to Claudia Sheinbaum, a Morena candidate for the presidency.
Furthermore, AMLO took the opportunity to praise the MORENA candidate in the upcoming elections.
Additionally, during the conference on September 13, he showed an old video of her hitting a PRI piñata and criticized her for now aligning herself with that party.
Consequently, the INE also ordered the President to remove or modify the content of these conferences and refrain from making the reported statements.
Also read: The controversy over Xóchitl Gálvez’s university degree continues.