
Joe Biden’s new strategy of attacking Trump’s

Joe Biden’s new strategy of attacking Trump’s relationship with the Russians is a clear sign of pivot in the campaign.

President Joe Biden is adopting persuasive rhetoric as he calls out former President Donald Trump and Republicans’ resistance on Ukraine and Russia.

Joe Biden’s new strategy puts the current president in candidate mode, and leaves behind that muted attitude toward the actions of his virtual adversary.

Joe Biden’s new strategy, which has been evident at off-camera fundraisers and public events, has become more pronounced in recent days.

In fact, Joe Biden’s new strategy clings to the refusal of House Republicans to approve additional aid for Ukraine and Donald Trump’s refusal to condemn Russia for the death of Alexey Navalny, Vladimir Putin’s chief critic.

In the opinion of analysts Joe Biden’s new strategy seeks to weaken the conception of the power elites vis-à-vis the Republicans.

Read more: ¿What did Joe Biden say to Vladimir Putin?.

Joe Biden’s New Strategy: ¿Will It Work?

The president has turned up the heat on Trump and Republicans in California this week at a series of fundraisers.

At these venues, the president tends to speak a bit more freely and bluntly.

At a fundraiser in San Francisco on Wednesday, Biden referred to Putin as a “crazy h.d.p.” and said Trump’s comments about Navalny were puzzling.

“He’s comparing himself to Navalny and saying that because our country has become a communist country, he was persecuted, just like Navalny,” Biden said. “Where the hell is this coming from? If I had stood up here 10 or 15 years ago and said all this, you would all think I should be institutionalized.”

Thus, Joe Biden’s new strategy comes at a time when the president is eager to bring Trump’s incendiary rhetoric to the forefront.

Biden has instructed his campaign team to more aggressively denounce Trump’s “crazy stuff.”

By repeatedly attacking Trump and his party from the White House, Biden also hopes to illustrate what is at stake in the upcoming election and demonstrate his own efforts to unite the West against Russian aggression.

House Republicans have scuttled efforts to pass a bipartisan border security bill and additional aid for Ukraine, both at Trump’s behest.

¿Using the campaign to his advantage?

On Wednesday, at another high-budget event in the Bay Area, Biden said the current crop of GOP lawmakers was “worse” than Strom Thurmond, a former Democratic-turned-Republican senator with staunch segregationist views.

“I was a senator since 1972. I’ve served with real racists. I’ve served with Strom Thurmond. I’ve served with all these guys who have broken terrible records on racial issues. But guess what? These guys are worse. These guys don’t believe in basic democratic principles,” said Biden.

On Joe Biden’s new strategy, some Republicans responded.

House Speaker Mike Johnson responded on social media, “Outrageous. The least popular president seeking re-election is now so desperate and so far down in the polls that he is playing the race card from the bottom of the deck.”

Biden has been personally outraged that Trump did not condemn Putin for Nalvany’s death, as well as encouraging the Russian leader to do “whatever the hell he wants” to countries that do not comply with NATO obligations.

“Why does Trump always blame the United States? Putin is responsible for Navalny’s death – why can’t Trump say that?” said Biden in a White House video released Tuesday.

The strategy of canvassing voters linked to countries neighboring Russia comes at a time when recent polls show support among Americans for keeping NATO intact and sending more aid to Ukraine.

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