Investigation against Joe Biden seeks impeachment

The investigation against Joe Biden will initiate to support a possible impeachment against the President of the United States.

Republican Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, announced on Tuesday the opening of an investigation against President Joe Biden.

Motivated by power struggle and claims of enrichment: But the investigation against Joe Biden is more of a consequence in the power struggle between the branches of government.

McCarthy argued that the investigation against Joe Biden was the next “logical” step amidst Republican claims that the President of the United States enriched himself through his son Hunter’s business ventures when he was vice president.

Driven by hardline Republicans

The investigation against Joe Biden was an initiative driven by hardline Republicans, including many members who voted against certifying Biden’s victory in 2020.

The Republican majority in the House of Representatives, loyal to Donald Trump, is the foundation for reclaiming the White House next year.

The move to impeach President Joe Biden comes as he faces extreme pressure from pro-Trump far-right members. The California Republican is a key player in Donald Trump’s candidacy, who is facing serious legal troubles.

Republicans could use an investigation against Joe Biden as a mechanism to impeach the president.

McCarthy’s move raises the question of whether the standard for this constitutional last resort is being diluted.

A new impeachment process that is seen as purely politically motivated also increases the risk that what was once a rare step becomes a routine habit when the House is controlled by one party and the White House by another.

Investigation against Joe Biden

Democratic Senator Dick Durbin said there was no evidence to support the impeachment of the President of the United States but felt “uncomfortable” with the impression that Hunter Biden capitalized on his father’s position.

McCarthy did not cite any evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden when he announced the opening of an investigation against Joe Biden. “These are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction, and corruption,” said the California Republican.

Comparison with previous impeachments

In the United States, impeachment is always an inherently political process.

One of the complexities of impeachment is that the criteria for judging whether a president has abused their power is not criminal but political. Compared to modern impeachment proceedings, the investigation into Biden seems to be based from the beginning on weak foundations.

President Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice after attempting to cover up a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

Trump’s first impeachment was for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress after he attempted to coerce Ukraine into investigating Biden.

His second impeachment was for “incitement of insurrection” following the attack on the Capitol on January 6.

Unless an impeachment investigation uncovers some currently unforeseeable abuse of power by Biden, it is safe to say, given the Democratic control of the Senate, that there will not be a two-thirds majority to convict him in a trial.

Also read: Biden to Propose Reforms to the IMF and World Bank

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