Hispanic hero in New Jersey: Saved the lives of two children

A Hispanic hero in New Jersey lost his life when he made a great sacrifice to save the lives of two children, one 8 and the other 12.

The Hispanic hero in New Jersey died Wednesday, July 17, when he jumped into the waters of Weymouth Furnace in southern New Jersey to save two children, ages 8 and 12.

The Hispanic hero in New Jersey was identified as Pablo Hernandez Cruz, 49, who did not think twice about rescuing the boys who were in trouble in the water.

The incident took place on July 17 in the afternoon hours at the creek in Hamilton Township in Atlantic County, which is frequented by many when temperatures are warm.

Hernandez Cruz is originally from Mays Landing.

Meanwhile, the 12-year-old was transported to the hospital and later released, while the eight-year-old was transferred to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Both are expected to recover satisfactorily.

Hispanic hero in New Jersey

County Executive Dennis Levinson said, “Our prayers are with the families of those affected. This is a beautiful park where families enjoy canoes, kayaks and barbecues, but the water can be dangerous for some swimmers because of how deep it is in places. That’s why there are no swimming signs. We urge visitors to check the signs in English and Spanish along the trail because we don’t want another family to suffer a tragedy like this one.”

Those who know and frequent Weymouth Furnace say the waters are colder and deeper than they appear.

The Hispanic hero in New Jersey has set an example of selflessness by losing his life for the sake of two children.

This is a true example of the spirit of the people even though only a few tarnish the true goodness of citizenship.


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