
Argentina purchased 24 F-16 aircraft: Reasons

Argentina purchased 24 F-16 aircraft and ignites the controversy surrounding the management of Javier Milei, once again, a direct criticism of an incessant purchase.

Argentina’s Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, signed this Tuesday in Denmark an agreement for the purchase of 24 F-16 fighter jets, which the institution described as “historic” in a press release.

Immediately, the world’s media asked why Argentina bought 24 F-16 aircraft from Denmark.

“Today we are completing the most important military aeronautical acquisition since 1983. We are talking about 24 F-16 aircraft that have been modernized and equipped with the best technology, and that today are at the level of the best aircraft flying in the skies of the South American region and the world“, said Petri from Denmark and in a videoconference with President Javier Milei.

It is clear that Argentina bought 24 F-16 aircraft to reinforce its aging air force, but given the economic situation, it leaves many doubts along the way.

Argentina bought 24 F-16s from Denmark, marking the largest military aircraft acquisition in decades.

Argentina purchased 24 F-16 aircraft: Reasons

The Ministry’s communiqué states that “the purchase of these aircraft ratifies the government’s decision to promote investment in Defense with the objective of strengthening the capabilities of the military instrument”.

Even so, there are doubts about the decision regarding the fact that Argentina purchased 24 F-16 aircraft.

Luis Franco, a former Argentine Air Force pilot, pointed out that these planes “have a sufficient useful life ahead of them and are modern for the region, despite their age”.


The F-16s were designed in the 1970s and have been in operational service since 1978.

Denmark acquired its first examples in 1980, and gradually expanded its fleet.

The expert argues that, although the objective of the purchase is part of a larger plan to reform and modernize the Argentine Armed Forces, this objective “is very difficult to realize in the current economic context”.

 “Given the events occurring in the world, it would be very important to have a comprehensive defense modernization plan, but we cannot only think about the air component. Based on historical military experience, in any conflict, just having control of airspace does not guarantee a complete defense if the ground and naval components are outdated. Ground troops must have a similar level commensurate with air power,” he said.

Another of the purposes pursued by the Argentine government with the purchase of these 24 aircraft is pilot training.

The Ministry of Defense statement adds that “the F-16 system acquired from Denmark includes single-seat and two-seat units for advanced pilot training, armament and support equipment”.

In addition, Argentina purchased 24 F-16 aircraft and for Franco the purchase is positive for the improvement of the Armed Forces.

“Argentina must have a defense system in accordance with the large amount of assets in the country. There is oil in the sea that will have to be defended, and we have a very important wealth in a demanding world that requires thinking about defense at higher levels”, he adds.

The presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni, stated in a press conference that “these supersonic aircraft are currently used in Europe, they will guarantee the control of the Argentine air space and have an immediate response to any threat approaching by air, sea or land (…) It is the most important military acquisition in the last 50 years of Argentine history“.

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