Presidents of Colombia and Mexico meet in Cali

The Presidents of Colombia and Mexico met during the Latin American and Caribbean Conference on Drugs.

This Saturday, September 9th, marks the official conclusion of the Latin American and Caribbean Conference on Drugs, currently taking place in Cali.

The conference has addressed the fight against drug trafficking from a public health perspective and emphasized the understanding that consumption is also an essential part of this process.

Following the event, the Presidents of Colombia and Mexico met; noteworthy is that Gustavo Petro presented his government’s drug policy alongside Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The presentations prioritized the support for families whose livelihoods depend on illicit crops.

The meeting between the Presidents of Colombia and Mexico focused on four main thematic areas.

Firstly, they discussed how to achieve Latin American integration to create a plan for healthcare, food, and energy self-sufficiency.

Secondly, they addressed the migration situation towards the United States.

Mexico expressed its concern about the flow of arms from the United States, which contributes to violence within its territory.

Colombia, on the other hand, aims to provide inclusion and support plans for families engaged in illicit crop production.

Finally, they proposed the creation of a progressive strategy to generate employment, seeking cooperation with the United States.

Points of the Meeting Between the Presidents of Colombia and Mexico

Colombian President Gustavo Petro Urrego and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) then held a private meeting at the Intercontinental Hotel in Cali.

This marks the second official bilateral meeting between Petro and López Obrador in less than ten months.

According to the presidential agenda, during this dinner, the Presidents discussed the fight against drug trafficking and drug policy.

The conference involved delegations from 33 countries in the hemisphere, including international and non-governmental organizations, experts, and members of civil society, and began on Thursday, September 7th.

The proposal, according to the Presidency, is to “promote a new model for combating drugs where human beings, environmental protection, respect for human rights, and the well-being of the population are the priorities.”

It is worth noting that the Presidents of Colombia and Mexico will meet again in Chile.

AMLO’s Tour

Next Monday, they will be in Chile to accompany President Gabriel Boric in the commemorative events marking the 50th anniversary of the military coup against President Salvador Allende.

It’s worth remembering that during his visit to Mexico last year, President Petro outlined the draft of this new anti-drug strategy.

In Chile, López Obrador will meet with Chilean President Gabriel Boric on Sunday at La Moneda Palace.

Later, at the Mexican Ambassador’s residence, he will lead a commemorative ceremony for the 50th anniversary of the Chilean exile in Mexico.

Posthumously, the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle in the rank of collar, the highest distinction given to foreigners, will be awarded to President Salvador Allende.

On September 11th, the Mexican leader will attend the commemorative event for the 50th anniversary of the coup d’état in Chile and then return to Mexico.

Also read: The Mexican peso opens with losses

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