
Petro insists on alleged soft coup in Colombia

President Gustavo Petro insists that a soft coup is carried out in Colombia given current social conditions.

Again, the President of the Republic, Gustavo Petro mentioned the controversial “ soft coup in Colombia ” that was being orchestrated against the Government of the Historical Pact.

President Petro estimates that the soft coup in Colombia includes the march against the rise in the price of gasoline, a day that took place this Monday, August 29.

In this regard, the head of state, directly, indicated that it was in his administration that the drastic decision was made to freeze ACPM prices so as not to affect the pocket of cargo carriers, nor unleash in the country an increase in the value of food.

“This is the kind of lies with which they radiate the idea of the soft blow. ¿What rise in the ACPM? Its constant price has been maintained since I assumed the presidency ”, Petro chirped in his personal account of ‘ X ’, before Twitter.

In addition, Petro expressed in his account that “ What IMF order? with its director I have only spoken about the proposal to change public debt for climate action around the world ”.

Petro explained that the price of imported gasoline is the price at which it is purchased, because if this is not done, social spending decreases or Ecopetrol breaks.

“The price of gasoline produced in Colombia is equal to the international price by a law of the republic of past governments whose leaders today invite stoppages ”, he said.

Soft coup in Colombia

The term “soft coup in Colombia”, to which President Petro refers, refers to a non-direct attack carried out by other political, executive or judicial sectors.

According to Petro, they intend to hinder or break initiatives or ideas advanced by the National Government.
Since February 2023, Colombian President Gustavo Petro presented to public opinion a group of legislative reforms in labor, health and pensions.

Since coming to power, President Petro has been involved in controversial situations.

For this reason, he attributes that all the instability is due to a soft coup in Colombia.

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