Can I move to the USA without a job?

The United States is known worldwide as the country of opportunities, it is for that reason, that many are the people who want to emigrate to the USA but the million dollar question is Can I move to the USA without a job?

If your goal is to achieve the American dream, there are two legal options to get a job in the United States, the first and most advisable is to move to the USA without a job, and the other is to move to the USA without a job.

Before this, it is essential that you keep in mind that if you do not have a job proposal but you want to live in the United States you must opt for a visa program that allows you to do this. In this article we will detail if you can really move to the USA without a job.

This is what you have to do if you want to find a job in the USA:How to find a job in the USA as a foreigner?

Find out if Can I move to the USA without a job?

If you are thinking about migrating to the United States and you are wondering Can I move to the USA without a job? The answer is yes you can do it, however, you have to analyze which visa program suits you and it is also necessary to know that if you do not have a job your opportunities gap is reduced a little, but do not give up!

Before this, it should be noted that most of the work visas of the North American country request that the foreign worker has a job offer from a sponsoring employer in the United States.

But do not be discouraged, there are some work visas that do not require a job offer from a U.S. employer. So you may be approved for your stay as long as you meet the eligibility criteria.

So, Can I move to the USA without a job? We will tell you below:

EB-1 visa for persons with exceptional ability

Those who opt for this work visa do not require a job offer, but it is important to know that this visa includes people with exceptional ability in the area of arts, science, business, sports or education. Therefore, this visa is highly selective.

Individuals may apply for this visa if they demonstrate that they have the required skills. Professionals who are likely to apply include professors and leading researchers, managers, and multinational executives:

E-1 Treaty Trader Visa

Persons who opt for this type of visa must be citizens of a country that has a treaty of commerce and navigation with the United States. Likewise, trade between the applicant’s country and the United States must be substantial.

Trade between the two countries may involve international banking, services, technology, tourism, international banking, goods and insurance.

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It is important to keep in mind that the E-1 visa is valid for only two years, however, it can be renewed for two more years, without any limit, as long as the U.S. and the applicant’s home country continue to maintain the same relationship.

It should also be mentioned that the spouse and unmarried children under 21 years of age may apply for a visa, but in E-1 nonimmigrant status, so they may live in the United States.

E-2 Nonimmigrant Investor Visa

To apply for this type of visa it is also required that the applicant be originally from a country that has trade and navigation agreements with the United States. In addition, they must make a large capital investment in a business in the United States.

It is also worth mentioning that, like the E-1 visa, the spouse and unmarried children under 21 years of age may apply for an E-2 nonimmigrant status visa. The E-2 visa, like the E-1 visa, is valid for two years and is renewed every two years as long as the relationship between the United States and your home country remains on good terms.

That’s how you get a job in the USA:How to get a job working in America?

Now you know that Can I move to the USA without a job? So don’t wait any longer! Prepare your documents to apply for the work visa that suits you best.

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