Four years since the declaration of the Covid pandemic

It is four years since the declaration of the Covid pandemic; a period recorded as one of the worst in human history.

Millions of people died, economies collapsed and the world came to a standstill in an event never before seen in modern society.

The declaration of the Covid pandemic forced many nations around the world to isolate themselves, incredible costs were incurred for vaccines, while many of us lost loved ones.

It is now four years since the declaration of the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic by the World Health Organization.

At the time, the health agency’s director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, admitted his “concern” about “alarming levels of spread and severity” and “alarming levels of inaction.”.


Covid 19 in numbers

One of the consequences is that covid-19 caused the average life expectancy of people worldwide to fall by 1.6 years in the first two years of the pandemic.

This would be the largest decline ever thought possible, according to a comprehensive study published Tuesday, March 12, 2024.

That is a clear reversal after decades of uninterrupted increases in global life expectancy.

According to hundreds of researchers who examined data from around the world for the U.S.-based Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME).

During 2020-2021, life expectancy declined in 84% of the 204 countries and territories analyzed, “demonstrating the potentially devastating impacts” of the new viruses, it said in a statement.

Decline in average life expectancy

Following the declaration of the Covid pandemic Mexico City, Peru and Bolivia were among the places where life expectancy fell most sharply.

On a positive note, half a million fewer children under the age of five died in 2021 compared to 2019, confirming a long-term decline in child mortality.

Between 1950 and 2021, average life expectancy at birth increased by 23 years, from 49 to 72, the researchers said.

Some data are not without impact, it is estimated that after the declaration of the Covid pandemic, there were about 15.9 million excess deaths during 2020-2021.

These deaths would have been either directly or indirectly due to the virus or indirectly due to the aggravation of other diseases after contracting the disease, according to the researchers.

Excess deaths are calculated by comparing the total number of deaths with those that would have been expected in the absence of a pandemic.

Following the declaration of the Covid pandemic, countries such as Barbados, New Zealand, and Antigua and Barbuda had the lowest rate of excess deaths during the pandemic.


Declaration of the Covid pandemic: Current figures in the United States.

According to official data, as of the week ending March 2, 15,141 new hospital admissions for COVID-19 were reported in the United States, a figure significantly lower than the week of January 22, 2022, when 150,650 new hospitalizations were recorded each week on average.

In total, following the declaration of the Covid pandemic, it is estimated that more than 6 million patients have been admitted for complications with the coronavirus in the United States.

Another aspect, after the declaration of the Covid pandemic, deaths in the U.S. exceeded 1 million on May 12, 2022.

 On December 11, 2020, a few months after the health crisis was declared, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave the green light to the first vaccine against the coronavirus.

This was the injection developed by Pfizer and others certified by other laboratories would follow.

According to the most recent Federal Household Pulse Survey, between January 9, 2024 and February 5, 2024, 6.8% of adults in the U.S. currently have prolonged COVID, and 17.6% have experienced it at some point.

Using U.S. Census Bureau estimates for 2020, this means that 17.5 million adults currently have prolonged COVID and 45.4 million have experienced it at some point.

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