
Bringing Gabriel García Márquez’s 100 Years of Solitude to Netflix: A Cinematic Journey

Latin literature boasts many great works, some of which have been widely accepted in their film adaptations. However, the challenge of bringing 100 Years of Solitude to Netflix is an ambitious goal.

The adaptation of the universe created by Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez will be brought to Netflix, featuring prominent actors, especially from this country, aiming to make a bold statement by adapting this novel.

In this regard, adapting 100 Hundred Years of Solitude for Netflix is no easy feat, as it is a work immersed in many complex literary devices.

More importantly, it is a world conceived by Márquez, who won a Nobel Prize for this masterpiece.

For many, 100 Years of Solitude one of the greatest works of modern literature, depicting the fantastical reality of events in many towns in 19th century Colombia.

But bringing 100 Years of Solitude to Netflix is one of the platform’s most ambitious projects, considering it is a cult classic among literature enthusiasts.

Thus, in homage to the 10th anniversary of Gabriel García Márquez’s passing on April 17, 2024, Netflix presented the first trailer for the adaptation of one of the most iconic works by the Colombian writer, 100 Years of Solitude.

We cannot ignore that bringing 100 Years of Solitude to Netflix involves a massive production and marks a milestone for Hispanic American literature, as it is the first time the novel will be adapted to the screen.

The producers promise that it will be a series that respects the depth and richness of the original text.

Netflix has already had success with some productions shared in Colombia, and on this occasion, it hopes to repeat that success.

Netflix shared a brief synopsis on its official website, inviting viewers to explore the lives of seven generations of the Buendía family.


The Story of the Buendía Family: Adapting 100 Years of Solitude to Netflix

The story of a family intertwined with universal themes such as love, forgetfulness, and the struggle with their inescapable past and destiny, all set in the mythical Macondo.

What is known so far is that adapting 100 Years of Solitude to Netflix will consist of a 16-episode series, although its duration and release format have not yet been detailed.

One Hundred Years of Solitude is Colombia’s most emblematic literary work, as it immersively presents the content of Colombian society, the political context, and the reality of many families dependent on landowners and the dominance of landlords.

But what is the challenge of adapting 100 Years of Solitude to Netflix? It is one of Gabriel García Márquez’s most significant works, having received the Rómulo Gallegos International Novel Prize in 1972, the Best Foreign Book Prize in France in 1969, and contributing to García Márquez’s recognition with the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982.

Its adaptation into a series represents a crucial moment for the dissemination and appreciation of Hispanic American literature worldwide.

Gabriel García Márquez was inspired by his 1952 trip to his hometown of Aracataca. The author wove a narrative that incorporated characters and elements previously explored in his work “Leaf Storm.”

Information about the Production of One Hundred Years of Solitude to Netflix

There is no doubt that 100 Years of Solitude on Netflix is a major event, and it plays with a multitude of emotions as audiences eagerly await this production.

The streaming platform’s content will be based on 100 Years of Solitude, a novel created by the Colombian writer over five decades ago.

The series is positioned as one of the most expensive projects Netflix has undertaken to date. One of Netflix’s top representatives for audiovisual products confirmed that the filming was highly challenging.

The town where the story takes place was reconstructed near Alvarado, a location in Tolima, Colombia. For the staging, 40,000 square meters were built, with the aim of making Macondo as similar as possible to the reality of that era.

The media outlet El Tiempo had the opportunity to visit the series’ filming location. Julio César Guzmán, one of the newspaper’s editors, highlighted that technicians, production designers, lighting specialists, cameramen, and many others were needed to recreate the magical small town of Macondo.

If you want to know more about One Hundred Years of Solitude, you can read: MACONDO ON NETFLIX: WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE

The main set of the series 100 Years of Solitude to Netflix took about 12 weeks to build. It spans 800 square meters, equivalent to 70 soccer fields. Thousands upon thousands of plants were transported from the Caribbean to Macondo to perfectly align with García Márquez’s descriptions.

One of the most important details they aimed to include was a giant tree typical of a town square. The goal was also to be as cost-effective, easy to execute, and environmentally friendly as possible.

Cast of the 100 Years of Solitude adaptation to Netflix

Although the cast has not been officially confirmed, and only teaser images have been released, these have given us a glimpse of who will be part of this ambitious production. Among those speculated are:

Comprising a mix of natural and professional actors, the cast of One Hundred Years of Solitude has been revealed, and here’s who will be responsible:

  • Claudio Cataño: This time, he will be seen as Colonel Aureliano Buendía in his adult version.
  • Jerónimo Barón: He will portray Aureliano Buendía as a child, a version that will allow us to learn more about his life with his parents, Úrsula Iguarán and José Arcadio Buendía.
  • Santiago Vásquez: He will bring to life Aureliano Buendía during his teenage years, when his political interests began to take shape.
  • Marco González: He will play José Arcadio Buendía, the family patriarch from whom everything starts, and this time, Marco González will be responsible for portraying the patriarch in the project.
  • Leonardo Soto: He will be José Arcadio, the first son of Úrsula Iguarán and José Arcadio Buendía, who has surprised his family on more than one occasion.
  • Susana Morales: She will be Úrsula Iguarán, the family matriarch. Her efforts to support her descendants are crucial to their success and are key to the plot.
  • Ella Becerra: She will assume the role of Petronila, a woman who must face the heartbreak and loss that accompany life.
  • Moreno Borja: He will be seen as Melquíades, a gypsy who visits Macondo every year to sell inventions from around the world.
  • Carlos Suárez: He will bring to life Aureliano Iguarán, one of the family members who will face the constant changes of the years.

The Casting Audition for 100 Years of Solitude to Netflix:

According to information from Netflix, the casting search for 100 Years of Solitude was unlike any other, starting in Colombia in June 2022 with over 10,000 profiles.

Similarly, the cast is composed of 70% natural actors making their screen debut and only 30% professional talents.

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