The Mexican singer Raúl Sandoval was arrested

The Mexican singer Raúl Sandoval was arrested for making an expression that didn’t seem at all funny to the security at Mazatlán Airport.
Regarding this, the Mexican singer Raúl Sandoval was arrested by the National Guard at an airport in Mexico.
On Friday, October 27, news broke about the arrest of singer Raúl Sandoval at Mazatlán Airport, Sinaloa, Mexico.
It all happened after airport security asked him some “protocol” questions, and at that moment, Raúl Sandoval, who rose to fame in 2002 for his participation in the reality show “La Academia,” mentioned that he had a bomb.
“Yes, I have a bomb,” was the Mexican singer Raúl Sandoval’s response, as a joke.
However, the National Guard didn’t take the response lightly and detained him.
Mexican media also reported that the former Academy participant was escorted, an investigation was opened against him at that time, and he missed his flight.
After several hours, and after completing the necessary procedures, the artist was able to board another flight and reach his destination.
In response to what happened, Sandoval used his social media and stated that his arrest was real, and he admitted that joking about such a topic was a mistake.
“I made a big mistake, in a moment of confidence and joking, I said the magic word at Mazatlán Airport, and a very strict protocol was activated,” Sandoval added.
But the situation didn’t end there, as El Canchanilla will now also be investigated for his statements and was unable to take his flight to Mexico City.
It’s worth noting that there are “prohibited” words at airports because, as happened to the former Academy participant, people who utter them become subjects of investigation, depending on the context in which they are said.
Despite this difficult moment, the Mexican singer Raúl Sandoval managed to reach his destination, which was the Bandamax Awards, held on the night of October 25, and continues to share content on his social media.
In general, there are things that cannot be done at airports for security reasons, one of them being to say “bomb,” as it is immediately treated as a serious threat of an explosive device within the facilities.”

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