The magical Iguazu Falls are a gem in the Americas

The magical Iguazu Falls, recognized as a World Heritage Site and one of the seven natural wonders of the world, is a place you must visit.
This marvel of nature, the magical Iguazu Falls, is a collection of waterfalls considered by many as the most beautiful in the world.
It is a natural wonder shared by Argentina and Brazil and is also located just a few kilometers from the “Triple Frontier” with Paraguay, making it the geographical “heart” of Mercosur.
Right on the border with Brazil, the mighty Iguazu River tumbles over a semicircular precipice with around 270 falls and waterfalls, some of them reaching heights of up to 80 meters and spanning 2,700 meters in width.
This psychedelic region offers a unique natural spectacle, framed by the everlasting greenery of the Paraná jungle, the ecoregion with the highest biodiversity in Argentina.
The magical Iguazu Falls
The magical Iguazu Falls are situated in the far northeast of Argentina, and the Iguazu National Park was established in 1934 to encompass these renowned falls and protect 67,698 hectares of jungle.
Several walkways and trails allow you to appreciate the falls up close and immerse yourself in the misty spray from the cascades.
There are inflatable boat excursions that venture along the Iguazu River to the base of some of the falls, and the possibility to visit the park on full moon nights, which is truly an ineffable experience.
On the other side of the border, in Brazilian territory, is the Iguazu National Park, which protects 185,262 hectares around the falls.
Both national parks have been declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and the Iguazu Falls were chosen in 2012 as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

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