The Cost of Pregnancy and Delivery Consultations in Mexico

The cost of pregnancy and delivery consultations in Mexico saw an increase in October, unlike the rest of medical services.
Medical services, in general, have shown greater resistance to the price deceleration process.
The cost of pregnancy and delivery consultations in Mexico exhibits inflation rates higher than the overall level.
During the first half of October 2023, a general inflation rate of 4.27% was recorded in Mexico, according to figures from INEGI (National Institute of Statistics and Geography).
Health services are one of the sectors that still have higher inflation levels than the general rate.
In the case of medical services related to pregnancy, routine check-ups were observed to have prices 4.31% higher than the previous year, and hospitalizations for delivery were 6.71% more expensive.
It’s also worth noting that the costs for delivery hospitalizations have seen inflation rates exceeding 6% on a year-on-year basis for 19 bi-weekly periods, equivalent to nine and a half months.
Of course, the cost of pregnancy and delivery consultations in Mexico includes a series of additional elements that can strain the budget.
According to Condusef, expenses for welcoming a baby can range from 14,000 to over 60,000 pesos.
This cost includes items such as diapers, newborn clothing, bottles, a bathtub, bibs, pacifiers, a monitor, crib, stroller, car seat, and baby carrier.
On the other hand, there are costs related to pregnancy and delivery. A pregnancy test can cost around 50 pesos and go up to almost 200 pesos.
At the beginning of the year: “The Cost of Pregnancy and Delivery Consultations in Mexico”
Normally, the costs are divided into medical fees and hospital charges, with the healthcare facility charging based on whether it’s a regular delivery or a cesarean section.
At the start of the year, in a hospital like ABC Santa Fe, a regular delivery costs around 35,000 pesos, and a cesarean section is approximately 55,000 pesos.
In terms of medical fees, regardless of whether it’s a regular delivery or a cesarean section, the gynecologist charges 45,000 pesos, the assistant receives 9,000 pesos, the anesthesiologist charges around 12,000 pesos, and the pediatrician charges between 10,000 and 15,000 pesos.
At hospitals like Ángeles or San Ángel Inn, the cost for a regular delivery is around 23,000 pesos, and a cesarean section is close to 30,000 pesos, with medical fees decreasing by 15% to 20%.
The most cost-effective option is provided by clinics like Reina Madre or Mujer Sana, which have agreements with hospitals and offer a comprehensive package.
Here, they do not differentiate between medical fees and hospital charges; a 35,000-peso package covers all expenses,” says the gynecologist.
Also read: Labor reduction in Mexico is feasible in the current national.