Conditions of several agricultural items in the nation August 2024

The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported the conditions of several agricultural commodities in the nation.
In that regard, it reported 11% of corn mature and assessed 65% of corn in good/excellent condition, down from 67% the previous week.
This figure is up from 56% at the same time in 2023.
In Iowa, the top corn-producing state, the good/excellent rating held steady at 77%.
For soybeans, Usda reported 67% of soybeans in good/excellent status, down from 68% the previous week, but up from 58% at the same time in 2023.
The official figure was in line with the 67% average forecast by the private sector. In Illinois, the main soybean producing state, the good/excellent rating dropped from 70% to 64%.
In addition, on another aspect of the conditions of several agricultural products in the nation, the soybean harvest is currently underway.
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Conditions of several agricultural items in the nation
According to the summary published by Granar consulting firm, Usda indicated that soybeans are forming pods in 89% of the crop, compared to 81% last week, 90% on the same date in 2023 and 88% average.
And that it is losing leaves 6%, compared to 4% last year and 4% average.
On the conditions of several agricultural items, they specified the conditions of the wheat crop.
The USDA reported the progress of the spring harvest on 51% of the eligible area, compared to 31% last week, 50% of the same date of 2023 and 53% average. The official figure was above the 48% estimated by traders.
It also weighted 69% of spring wheat in good/excellent condition, down from 73% the previous week, but up from 37% at the same time in 2023. The official figure exceeded the 72% forecast by the private sector.