Charged President of the National Bank in Argentina

In Argentina, the unstable political situation continues, as the prosecutor’s office has charged the President of the National Bank, Silvina Batakis.
In this regard, federal prosecutor Guillermo Marijuan has charged the President of the National Bank, Silvina Batakis, and the General Manager of the institution, María del Carmen Barros.
It is a criminal complaint that began with the allegations made by National Deputy María Graciela Ocaña for the crimes of dereliction of duty as a public official, defrauding the public administration through fraudulent administration, and embezzlement.
According to local sources, Judge Daniel Rafecas, temporarily in charge of Federal Court 9, received the complaint and referred it to Marijuan’s prosecutor’s office, which decided to initiate the investigation and charge the President of the National Bank.
At the same time, he ordered a series of evidentiary measures to instruct the case in order to obtain all the necessary documentation.
The complaint alleges that the President of the National Bank and Barros “would have intervened in the scope of their functions and without the approval of the board” of the National Bank for “the hiring of Verónica Laura Asad, known as ‘Pitty, the numerologist,’ for a ‘coaching course’ for the sum of $1,800,000.”
On the other hand, the case includes “the appointment of Héctor Javier Silva, ex-husband of Silvina Aída Batakis, as the Manager of Systems at BNA.”
President of the National Bank, Silvina Batakis, ¿Making Poor Decisions?
But also, “the appointment of Juan Pablo Pedemonte, son of María del Carmen Barros, as the head of a department at the main branch of BNA.”
Other elements include Maximiliano Piantanida, a friend of María del Carmen Barros, in the position of Departmental Manager at BNA.
Likewise, the authorization by Silvina Aida Batakis for María del Carmen Barros to receive various bonuses and awards that would allow her to earn a monthly salary amounting to approximately $9,000,000.”
But in the same way, “allowing Juan Manuel Romero, partner of María del Carmen Barros, to receive a monthly remuneration of $700,000, although, as the complainant states, ‘according to people from the bank itself, he practically doesn’t work.'”
When asked about a billing of nearly 1,800,000 pesos in six months at the NAB under the concept of “coaching sessions,” the interviewee indicated that, in reality, Barros would come to her office.
“This person came, told me they loved your services, and I would love for the bank to hire you,” she added during a television interview on “El Diario de Mariana,” on Channel Thirteen.
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