Is USA hiring foreign workers?

If you dream of living and working in the United States, you may be wondering: Is USA hiring foreign workers? We will give you all the details on the subject.

Working in the United States is the desire of many people and the fact that the North American country has a high labor demand makes many believe that it is the perfect option to improve their lives. That is why some people wonder if USA is hiring foreign workers? And the answer is yes.

Some U.S. companies hire foreign workers under H-2B and H-2A temporary visas. People from different parts of the world have the opportunity to take advantage of these applications for foreign employees, just follow the application process that we will detail.

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We detail everything you need to know about the process of hiring foreign workers.

In the United States during each fiscal year, visas are issued to foreigners on a limited basis, with the purpose of allowing foreigners to perform temporary jobs in the country.

Normally a variety of proposals are issued in various sectors, but one of the most requested jobs is related to the agricultural sector.

On the other hand, according to the USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services), the H-2B visa program allows U.S. companies that meet certain requirements to give foreign workers the opportunity to work in the country for a temporary period.

Both persons who want to work in the agricultural sector and those who want a non-agricultural job must fill out a Form I-129, Non-Immigrant Worker Petition, on behalf of the prospective worker.

It is also important to note that the Department of Labor is in charge of publishing temporary employment offers on its web page. In addition, in their publications they specify which are the tasks to be performed by the foreign workers in the position for which he/she is applying.

Some of the most popular vacancies have to do with housekeepers, fast food workers, cooks and entertainment and recreation assistants.

Estas son las empresas que más contratan trabajadores extranjeros

El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional publicó un informe en donde mostraba cuáles eran las empresas que más practican esta modalidad, a continuación te las nombramos:

  • Unisea Inc., Washington.
  • Peter Pan Seafoods Inc., Washington.
  • Yellowstone Landscape Central Inc., Virginia.
  • Trident Seafoods Corporation, Washington.
  • Strongwood Forestry Inc., Massachusetts.
  • Progresive Solutions LLC, Arkansas.
  • Silver Bay Seafood LLC, Washington.
  • BVLS3115 Brightview Landscape SVCS, Pensilvania.
  • Alpha Services LLC, Idaho.
  • Obi Seafoods LLC, Washington.
  • Black Construction Corp.
  • Brightview Landscapes, Pensilvania.
  • ABC Professional Tree Services Inc., Virginia.
  • Core Tech Construction Transportation.
  • Peter Pan Seafood Co., Washington.

Foreign workers who want to work in agriculture

If you want to work in the agricultural sector in the United States, you can opt for the H-2A visa. Usually the companies dedicated to this sector are looking for foreign workers to work under the modality of temporary employment.

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However, companies dedicated to the agricultural sector must demonstrate that there are not enough Americans able and willing to perform this type of tasks for a certain period of time.

Learn all about the temporary visa

Foreign workers who want to work in the U.S. territory for an established period of time must apply for a nonimmigrant visa for temporary workers. It is important to keep in mind that this type of visa is not considered a permanent or indefinite duration visa.

It should be noted that in order to apply for a temporary work visa, you must be sponsored by an employer, that is to say, your potential employer must file a petition with your name before the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), when the petition is approved you will be able to apply for the temporary work visa.

Now that you know that the United States does hire foreign workers, what are you waiting for to become part of this group of workers?

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